She is young and naive. Perfect submissive fodder for some mean old man to come along and take advantage of. Its a good thing she came to me first or who know what would have happened to her.Sarcasm aside, she has big, beautiful natural tits. And, they can take a good clamping of the nipples. I like this. I view it as a strength in her training and use it frequently throughout. First, by making her great tits totally vulnerable and then by clamping them up with a dozen or so clothespins and making her orgasm in a tough stress position. Good times.Then there is a cock sucking. Watching that huge gimp dick disappear down her slippery throat is the highlight of my day. It is right up there with watching her struggle through a difficult cowgirl fuck that burns out her weak, pathetic little thighs. Oh slave trainee, you have miles to go before you rest.

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She is young and naive. Perfect submissive fodder for some mean old man to come along and take advantage of. Its a good thing she came to me first or who know what would have happened to her.Sarcasm aside, she has big, beautiful natural tits. And, they can take a good clamping of the nipples. I like this. I view it as a strength in her training and use it frequently throughout. First, by making her great tits totally vulnerable and then by clamping them up with a dozen or so clothespins and making her orgasm in a tough stress position. Good times.Then there is a cock sucking. Watching that huge gimp dick disappear down her slippery throat is the highlight of my day. It is right up there with watching her struggle through a difficult cowgirl fuck that burns out her weak, pathetic little thighs. Oh slave trainee, you have miles to go before you rest.

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