Corded down with ass unsheathed, Delilah is mine for the taking. I whip and cane her before I shove a cork in her backside then spank her to orgasm. I like it when that happens. However, this lil anal invasion slut has a rock-hard time keeping that buttplug in when so discipline is in order. A swift flagellating on the ass should flex that bulls eye cock-squeezing.
In her daze from orgasms, she is transferred to the next station. Ass planted on wooden spikes and locked down using unforgiving hosepipe forceps. Arms, legs and thighs cinched down, and concluded with a custom gag. She is immobile and strained. Without a stroke of any physical I bring a suffering Delilah did not expect. With ice strategically placed and ran via her body she converts into a tight, wet, shivering slut one ejaculation at a time.
I take this sopping filth to hang her by her wrists and ankles. Her ass is plenty tender making any attention I bring that much more stimulating. I clamp her puffies and attach them to a clip on her clit. With my frigs stuffed in her I rip out an climax she didn't know she had in her. To my delight I dangle a vibe on her and watch her squirm and fight to cum for me until she is depleted of all her energy.